Welcome to Clinton’s historic downtown! On this walking tour, you will learn about our town’s history, see photos from the past, and discover interesting stories from throughout the centuries.
Explore 15 points of interest on this tour, each rich with history and significance. While you can visit them in any order, following the suggested route offers a pleasant walking experience, with historical insights that build upon each other at every stop. The entire tour can be completed in under an hour. A downloadable, abridged booklet version is available below, along with a full online guide.
The online version features more information, additional photos, and extra stories. We encourage you to view, share, and review it!
Special thanks to the existing and ongoing efforts of local historians like David Yates and Pam Stanley, whose work made this tour possible. Thank you also to the many Clinton and area residents who shared their photos, stories and feedback during the research and creation process.